I'm using this page to compile links to other sites that evidence similar problems with GoDaddy to the one I had. If you have a suggestion, submit something via the contact page. Thanks.
Godaddy V Father Dave Round 1 This was the initial blow. It was a right hook to the jaw that I didn't see coming at all. I had a coup... godaddy_v_father_dave___round_1.php
Godaddy V Father Dave Round 6 This was now my third attempt to seek clarification on my situation. As I understood it,... godaddy_v_father_dave___round_6.php
Godaddy V Father Dave Round 8 I had been finished with the two-shot combination that I received in round 7. I couldn't emerge for the next round. The... godaddy_v_father_dave___round_8.php
Godaddy V Father Dave Round 5 GoDaddy had made it clear in previous correspondence that I was not to be given any opportunity t... godaddy_v_father_dave___round_5.php
Godaddy V Father Dave Round 3 I thought I'd also include Google in the query, as Godaddy had encouraged me to do s... godaddy_v_father_dave___round_3.php